Diwali Celebration for Preprimary Students


Dear Parents/Guardians,

     We are delighted to announce that our Diwali celebration is being organized in school with our pre-primary students followed by regular classes. This celebration promises to be a joyful and festive occasion for our little ones. To make the event even more special, we kindly request your support in ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for the Diwali function.

Here are the dress code details for the event:

For Nursery & LKG Students:

   Girls - should wear colorful frocks that reflect the festive spirit of Diwali.

   Boys - are encouraged to wear jeans and t-shirts, with preference given to those with Diwali-themed designs or bright colors.

 For UKG Students:

   Girls - are encouraged to wear traditional Indian attire such as frocks or suits in bright and vibrant colors.

   Boys-  should be dressed in kurta and pajamas for that traditional touch.

     This dress code will add to the charm of the Diwali celebration and allow our young ones to fully embrace the joy and cultural significance of the festival.

    Date of the Diwali Function followed by regular classes:  November 9, 2023

     We kindly request all parents to ensure that their children come dressed in the prescribed attire on the specified date. Let us make this Diwali celebration a memorable and vibrant event for our pre-primary students.

     Thank you for your cooperation and support in making our school's Diwali celebration a grand success.

Best Regards,