
Showing posts from December, 2023


     A new initiative under the guidance of our Principal, Mrs Rita Sinha - BOMIS ROSERA NEWSROOM by AI STELLA, (STELLA = STAR in Latin) is a project initiated by Birla Open Minds International School ROSERA, that aims to use artificial intelligence to generate and deliver news content to its students and staff. The goal of the project is to enhance the learning and communication skills of the students, as well as to foster their creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Purushottam Kumar BOMIS ROSERA

New Year Holiday 2024

  NOTICE Date: 30 December 2023 Subject: New Year Holiday      All the students, parents, and teachers are informed that the school will remain closed for three days from 1 January to 3 January 2024 on the occasion of the New Year. The school will reopen on Thursday, 4 January 2024.      We wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year. May this year bring you joy, peace, and success. Deepak Kumar ADMIN BOMIS ROSERA

Christmas Holiday 2023

  Dear Parents and Students,      As we eagerly anticipate the joyous season of Christmas. Christmas is a time for love, laughter, and togetherness. It's a moment to reflect on the warmth of family, the kindness in our hearts, and the spirit of giving. In celebration of this wonderful occasion, we announce holiday on Monday, December 25, 2023, allowing everyone to fully embrace the festive spirit on the eve of Christmas.      This day off provides an opportunity for students and staff to enjoy the festivities, create cherished memories, and spend quality time with loved ones. We encourage you to engage in the heartwarming traditions that make Christmas special, whether it's decorating the tree, sharing a meal, or simply enjoying the company of family and friends. Regular classes will resume on Tuesday, December 26, 2023. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter, and wonderful moments! Warm regards Deepak Kumar BOMIS ROSERA

Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) on December 23, 2023

  Dear Parents/Guardians, We hope this message finds you well. We are pleased to inform you that a Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) has been scheduled for Saturday, December 23, 2023. The PTM aims to provide you with valuable insights into your child's academic progress and foster effective communication between the school and parents. Details of the PTM are as follows:      Date: Saturday, December 23, 2023      Time: 09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon      School Transport:  Remain Suspended. During the PTM, we will be announcing the results of the recent  assessment, which will give you a clear understanding of your child's performance. Additionally, our dedicated teachers will be available to offer guidance and suggestions for the academic improvement and overall development of your ward. The examination copy of your ward will also be made available for your reference during the meeting. Your presence at the PTM is highly valued. Best regards, Deepak Kumar BOMIS ROSERA

Educational Trip to Hasanpur Sugar Mill - Monday, 18 December 2023

  Notice Dear Parents and Students of Classes 7, 8, and 9,      We are excited to remind you about the upcoming educational trip to Hasanpur Sugar Mill scheduled for Monday, 18 December 2023. This trip promises to be both educational and enjoyable for our students. Details of the Trip:      Date: Monday, 18 December 2023      Departure Time: 08:45 am (from the School Campus)      Dress Code: Students are required to be in school dress. Additionally, they must carry their icard. Important Information:      Classes 7, 8, & 9: For students not participating in the educational trip, classes will be suspended for the day - Monday. The rest of the school will remain functional as usual.      Safety Measures: During the visit, the school will provide masks, surgical caps, gloves, shoe covers, and helmets on the spot for all participating students.      Refreshments: Students will be provided with 1 mineral water bottle, 2 packets of biscuits, 1 refreshment drink, and 1 packet of cake duri

Invitation for Science Fair 2023

  Dear Parents/Guardians,      We are excited to invite you to the upcoming Science Fair at Birla Open Minds International School Rosera, which will be held on Saturday, December 16, 2023. Details of the event are as follows:      Date: Saturday, December 16, 2023      Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm      Venue: Birla Open Minds International School Rosera Campus Important Information:      Transportation: School transport will operate on its regular schedule, ensuring that students can easily reach the campus on time. Please ensure your child arrives promptly to prepare and set up their projects.      Project Preparation: Students are encouraged to come prepared with their projects for display. The setup time will be available before the official start of the exhibition.      Visiting Hours: Parents and guardians are welcome to visit the exhibition between 10:00 am and 01:00 pm. We encourage you to take this opportunity to engage with your child's scientific achievements.      Lunch: S

Educational Visit to Birla Sugar Mill Hasanpur on Monday, 18 December 2023

  Dear Parents and Students of Class 8 & 9,        We are thrilled to announce that School has been granted permission for an educational field trip to Birla Sugar Mill Hasanpur on Monday, 18 December 2023. This visit promises to be an enriching experience, providing students with valuable insights into the industrial processes at the sugar mill.   Here are the important details:        Date: Monday, 18 December 2023      Total Seats: 85 seats allocated for students      Seat Allocation Basis: Seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Any remaining seats after 13 December 2023 will be allocated to junior classes.      Cost: The cost for this exciting educational tour is 130 INR per student.      Consent Form Submission Deadline: Interested students may download the form from telegram or  obtain it from the school office , have it signed by parents, and submit the signed form by 13 September 2023. This permission is granted with the school's commitment t

Science Exhibition 2023

  Dear Parents and Students,        We are delighted to announce that our school will be organizing an In-House Science Exhibition on December 16, 2023, within the school premises. This event aims to showcase the innovative and creative scientific talents of our students from Grade 1 to 9. We encourage all eligible students to participate and share their enthusiasm for science.        Here are the key details for the exhibition:        Date: December 16, 2023      Venue: School Premises      Participation: Open to all students from Grade 1 to 9        To participate, interested students must complete and submit the participation form. The forms will be available at the school reception starting from Tuesday, December 5, 2023, until Friday, December 8, 2023. Please ensure that the forms are filled out accurately and submitted by Saturday, December 9, 2023 so school can arrange necessary place for display.       The exhibition is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore scientific

School timing change from Monday, December 4, 2023

  Dear Students and Parents,     This is to inform you that the school timings will change from Monday, December 4, 2023, due to the onset of winter.      TIMING -     Preprimary (Nursery, K1, K2) - 08:45 am - 01:25 pm     Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 08:45 am - 01:25 pm     Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 - 08:45 am - 02:00 pm     SCHOOL TRANSPORT - The school buses will pick up and drop off the students according to the revised timings.      Time Table- Will be updated by tomorrow on      We hope that the change in timings will help the students to cope with the cold weather and maintain their health and attendance.      Thank you for your understanding and support. DEEPAK ADMIN

Talent Search Test in Mathematical Sciences 2023 (TSTMS 2023)

Dear Parents and Students,      We are pleased to inform you that our school is participating in the Talent Search Test in Mathematical Sciences 2023 (TSTMS 2023) organized by Bihar Mathematical Society. This is a prestigious and competitive examination that aims to identify, reward, and train the mathematical talent among students of different levels.      The examination will be held on Sunday, February 17, 2024, and Monday, February 18, 2024, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The examination will consist of objective type questions based on the syllabus of the respective classes. The examination will be conducted in two categories: Junior (Class 6 to 12) and Senior (Graduate and Post Graduate). The students who qualify the examination will be eligible for the Instructional School for Mathematical Sciences (ISMS) 2024, where they will receive advanced training and guidance from eminent mathematicians.      The online registration for the examination is open from November 15, 2023, to Decembe

Special Horse Cart Ride for Junior Kids - Tomorrow, Dec 02, 23

Dear Parents and Students,       I hope this letter finds you well. As we approach the conclusion of the examinations on December 2, 23, we are thrilled to share some delightful news regarding a special event planned for our junior kids in Nursery, LKG, UKG (Pre-Primary).      To add an extra touch of excitement to the end of this examination, we have organized a unique experience for our young learners—a horse cart (Indian Tanga) ride within the school premises. The Indian Tanga, a traditional mode of transportation, is gradually fading away, and we want to provide our little ones with the opportunity to enjoy this charming ride, creating lasting memories.      We understand the sentimental value attached to such experiences, and we believe that this ride will be a wonderful remembrance for the children. To capture these precious moments, our dedicated team will be photographing the kids during the horsecart ride. Two guards will be assisting along with a teacher.  Rest assured, these