Educational Visit to Birla Sugar Mill Hasanpur on Monday, 18 December 2023


Dear Parents and Students of Class 8 & 9,

      We are thrilled to announce that School has been granted permission for an educational field trip to Birla Sugar Mill Hasanpur on Monday, 18 December 2023. This visit promises to be an enriching experience, providing students with valuable insights into the industrial processes at the sugar mill.


Here are the important details:

      Date: Monday, 18 December 2023

     Total Seats: 85 seats allocated for students

     Seat Allocation Basis: Seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Any remaining seats after 13 December 2023 will be allocated to junior classes.

     Cost: The cost for this exciting educational tour is 130 INR per student.

     Consent Form Submission Deadline: Interested students may download the form from telegram or  obtain it from the school office, have it signed by parents, and submit the signed form by 13 September 2023.

This permission is granted with the school's commitment to ensuring that students maintain discipline during the visit and follow all instructions provided by the authorized personnel at the sugar mill.


     As part of the tour, the school will provide small refreshments, and to maintain hygiene standards of the sugar mill, students will be required to wear disposable masks, caps, and shoe covers during the visit. The safety measures may also include, depending on the situation, wearing helmets, as the industry is currently in operation.


For the safety and comfort of all students:

      Students with hearing aids or those sensitive to industrial sounds are advised to carry a piece of cotton. Students allergic to pollen grains or dust are urged to take special precautions to avoid any emergencies.

      We believe that this educational trip will be both enjoyable and educational for our students. Your cooperation in submitting the consent forms on time is crucial for the success of this excursion.



Rohan Kumar

Science Educational Trip Coordinator