Offline classes are suspended for one day due to heavy traffice in DARGAH AREA
NOTICE All students of Class PrePrimary to Grade - 9 are hereby informed that as offline classes are suspended for one day due to heavy traffice in DARGAH AREA, we are adding online classes for PrePrimary to IX on MONDAY, 29 January 2024. Our technical team decided to use the “GOOGLE MEET” platform. New students need to submit their email id to Mr. Purushottam Jha (Mob- 8877665758) Timing- Grade- IV, V, VIII, IX - 08:00 am - 10:00 am Grade- II, III, VI, VII - 10:10 am - 12:10 pm Grade-1 - 09:00 am - 10:00 am PrePrimary - 10:10 am - 11:10 am Please follow these instructions- 1. Install Google Meet original. 2. Open Google Meet on your Mobile & select the respective email id from the top right corner. Respective classes & timing will be listed there. 3. Click on class 10 min before cl...